2024-02-08 Noticias de ISLA y ISLA PTO

February 8, 2024

Emily Smith

Administrative Assistant

Sibling Enrollment    

To be eligible for enrollment into Kindergarten, a student must be five years old on or before September 1 of the enrollment year. ISLA gives preference for enrollment to students who:

  • Meet the application deadline
  • Is a sibling of a currently enrolled pupil or foster child of the pupil's parents
  • Are a child of an ISLA staff member

Make sure that your child receives the sibling enrollment priority they are entitled to at ISLA.  Submit an online student application for the sibling of a currently enrolled student by the sibling enrollment deadline (4:00 pm on February 15, 2024).  Any student applications for a sibling received after the deadline will follow regular enrollment processes.

Spirit Week - February 12 - 16


As we continue to work on improving the PTO Website to be the go-to source for info, we will be trying to condense some of the info included in Noticias. Here’s to progress– And make sure you keep tabs on the website for key info!!

Let’s treat our teachers!

On Wednesday February 14th, let's show ISLA teachers and staff some LOVE! Take a peek at the signup genius to see what treat you’d like to snag! Please drop off your items in the teacher’s lounge 2/13 Tuesday afternoon or 2/14 Wednesday morning. THANK YOU for your help and showing our ISLA staff how appreciative we are of them!!

Join the ISLA Community at some favorite local restaurants each month!!

Hang out and let the kids play together while you grab dinner. The best part is that a portion of our restaurant purchases will be coming back to the ISLA PTO!!! So far this year, we have raised $2,739!!! Our next planned date is listed below. Please visit the PTO Website for the full schedule!

Monday 2/12 4–9pm

10997 Red Cir Dr, Minnetonka, MN 55343

• • • Get involved • • •  

You can find more information on all of these topics on the PTO Website!

Serve lunch

Click here to see available time slots!

Box Tops for Education
Get started!!

Mabel’s Labels

Visit their website and search for International Spanish Language Academy

Teacher Wishlists

Click here to view the full list of teachers broken down by grade!

ONE MONTH to go!!

It is ISLA PTO’s BIGGEST fundraiser and gathering each Spring where we come together as a community to mingle. We celebrate, dance, fundraise, eat & drink. (There may even be a few surprises up our sleeve this year!)

While doing that, we fundraise to provide 100% of the costs of the Language Ambassador Program!  Each year, ISLA PTO brings native Spanish-speakers to our school as teaching assistants to our kids. The LAs are an invaluable part of our school and Fiesta de la Primavera is the time that we are able to provide support for this amazing program!! To do that, the PTO gathers donations from both local businesses and within our community through Great Gatherings, gift baskets, gift certificates and countless other types of items to auction off!

Current Fiesta Needs

Attend! Get your tickets here!!

Can’t attend? You can still participate in the online auction!! Click here to register on the Givesmart website and view the available items. If you attended Fiesta or participated in the online auction last year, you should already have an account. Follow this link if you have forgotten your username or password.

We need more Gift Baskets for the silent auction!! We’ve got ready-made ideas, or you can get a group of friends together & create your own! Click here to view the Gift Basket donation form. You can also find all the donation types on the Fiesta website!!

Attend Great Gatherings: The Fiesta website is filling up quickly with more donations rolling in!! With a fun one coming up THIS WEEKEND!! And only a couple of spots are left....

**NEW EVENT!*** Parent Night Out while the kids PARTY at ISLA!!

More opportunities for time with the LAs!!!!


Our LA’s will be hosting their own Great Gatherings for the kids with special movie nights for each grade. Dinner, snacks & fun will be had by all!!! They will all run from 6:30–9pm (movies start at 7pm) in the ISLA Flex Room.

K & 1st Grade Movie Night!

Friday, February 16th
Hosted by: Andrea, Francisco & Marina

2nd & 3rd Grade Movie Night!

Friday, February 23rd
Hosted by: Jawi & Neus

4th–6th Grade Movie Night!

Friday, March 1st
Hosted by: Mily & Manuel

Year Book Pictures

Below you'll find the links to upload candid photos for the yearbook! If you have any fun pictures from field trips, sporting events, class parties, or other ISLA activities, we'd love to see them! There are folders for each grade as well as folders for the first day of school or a community folder for mixed grades or larger events. If you need to sign up for a TreeRing account, the school code is 1016123740893948. Please reach out to evas.mom@gmail.com with any questions.

El Nido
irst / Primero
Second / Segundo
Third / Tercero
Fourth / Cuarto
Fifth / Quinto
Sixth / Sexto

Art / Exploration
Phy Ed

LA Photos
First Day / Primer Dia