The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century. The attributes of the profile express the values inherent to the IB continuum of international education. These are values that should infuse all elements of the Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP), and Diploma Program, and, therefore, the culture and ethos of all IB World Schools. The learner profile provides a long-term vision of education. It is a set of ideals that can inspire, motivate and focus the work of students, parents and teachers, uniting them in a common purpose.
IB learners strive to be:
The core skills are capabilities that the students need to demonstrate to succeed in a changing, challenging world, which may be disciplinary or transdisciplinary in nature. Five skills are taught throughout the curriculum:
While recognizing the importance of knowledge, concepts and skills, these alone do not make an internationally minded person. It is vital that there is also focus on the development of personal attitudes towards people, towards the environment and towards learning, attitudes that contribute to the well-being of the individual and of the group.
Six transdisciplinary themes guide the curriculum:
Who we are
Where we are in place and time
How we express ourselves
How the world works
How we organize ourselves
Sharing the planet
Key concepts include powerful ideas that have relevance not only within the core subject areas, but also many other areas of learning. Students must explore and re-explore in order to develop a coherent, in-depth understanding. Each unit of inquiry has two or three key concepts embedded into the central idea of the unit. There are a total of eight key concepts:
Actions include demonstrations of deeper learning in responsible behavior through responsible action. These actions are a manifestation in practice of the other essential elements. Examples include: