Starting with the 2022-2023 school year, ISLA will have new hours. ISLA's new bell times will be 9:00 am - 3:50 pm. Students may be dropped at ISLA from 8:45-8:55 am. Students should be in their classrooms ready to learn by 9:00 am. Students not dropped off by 8:55 am will need to go to the office.
Leire is from Valladolid, Spain. She lives with her Mom and two younger sisters. She speaks three languages: Spanish, English and Italian. She is a very active person and super excited about our Minnesota winter and winter sports. She would love to introduce her family to the most typical dishes that they have in Valladolid. Leire cannot wait to teach the ISLA students any Spanish dances they are interested in learning. She also loves to travel and get to know people and places.
Coffee or hot chocolate?
Amusement park or a day at the beach?
Dayat the beach
Dogs or cats?
Sunrise or sunset?
Hike, swim or bike?
Swim and hike
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Toast with avocado, egg, cherries, coffee
What is your favorite movie or book?
The Longest Ride
ISLA has signed a contract with Pride Transportation to provide busing for ISLA students for the 2022-2023 school year. Due to this change, ISLA bell times for the next school year will be 9:00 am - 3:50 pm. The 2022-2023 annual busing fee for non-legacy students and non-Edina students is $450 per student with a cap of $900 per family.
Please note that our transportation costs are significant, and we only receive state subsidies for about 1/3 of the total expense of busing. The actual cost to ISLA after state subsidies are subtracted is closer to 850 to 900 dollars per rider. This leads to a deficit of over 230,000 dollars in this fund, and the ISLA finance committee has created a strategy to address this need. Over the next 2- 3 years, we anticipate that we will need to raise the fees by 20 to 30% per year in order to make up this shortfall. In spite of this, scholarships are still available regardless of income, and we encourage families to reach out to Emily if you have this need.
Please read transportation offerings for more information about what this will look like. If you would like to take advantage of busing transportation for your scholar(s), click here to sign up. Please register each child separately. Please remember that all families interested in busing, need to register for busing each school year.
The deadline to have busing on the first day of the 2022-23 school year is July 27, 2022.
If you have questions, please contact Emily Smith in the office at
Hello ISLA families! Amity just sent over a last-minute application for an LA who could possibly come to ISLA next year, but we need two host families in order for her to come. Please consider opening your home and your hearts to an amazing individual this coming school year! Questions? Email or go here
Hello ISLA Families:
As we wind down to the end of the school year, I’ve planned a Summer Reading Challenge for students so they continue reading throughout their time off from school. We’ve discussed the Bingo de Lectura/Reading Bingo chart in all our library classes in May, and students are being asked to complete the game by participating in a variety of reading activities. If your child works on this during the summer and brings the Bingo game back to the Media Center in the fall, he or she will be able to participate in a special activity in September for doing the work! There are a wide variety of reading activities listed on the Bingo page. Complete all of them to get a blackout. Please initial in the square when your child has completed each one of the activities.
I’ve shown the students many online resources linked to the Biblioteca Resources page and also under the different grade levels on my website. There are many digital books in Spanish and in English.
Thank you for your support in your student’s summer reading!
Have a great break!
Lisa Yepes
Mark your calendars for Kinder meetups! This is a great opportunity for the upcoming kindergarteners (and families!) to meet before school starts. I will have a sign or balloons so you can easily spot us. I can't wait to see everyone!
Sunday, July 24, 3-5
Hyland Park (Chutes & Ladders), Bloomington
Sunday, August 28, 2-5
Bryant Lake Playground, Eden Prairie
Please feel free to comment or message me with any questions! Also, come join us in in the grade level group!
Elizabeth Sundal