2023-12-14 Noticias de ISLA y ISLA PTO

December 15, 2023

Emily Smith

Administrative Assistant

Fundraising Committee Corner

Thank you for supporting ISLA School and ISLA PTO with your donations this fall! It has been incredible to see our community come together to support our students. We wanted to make sure you didn’t miss an opportunity to double your donation with a matching gift from your employer. If you haven’t already looked into it, please check in with your supervisor, Human Resources (HR) department, or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) department to see if a matching program is already in place.

The Fundraising Committees of the ISLA School Board and ISLA PTO worked together to create some sample language to support your inquiry. Check out this document for suggested language you can adapt and use. We are also sending a letter home this weekend with more information about our fundraising accomplishments this fall, so check the red folders!

• • •  Staff Party • • •

Last weekend our ISLA Teachers & Staff were able to celebrate in style and really enjoy their Holiday Party! HUGE thank you to Jenner, MK, Andrew & the ISLA PTO for their efforts in sourcing supplies, sponsors, their time and so much more to ensure our teachers & staff had a fabulous evening– And to YOU, our ISLA parents & community!!! THANKS TO YOU, the wine, dessert AND the room rental space for the staff party was all covered by your parent donations– What an amazing show of love for our teachers & staff!!

THANK YOU to our Staff Party Sponsors!!! PLEASE go show them some love as they were also a great part in making this staff holiday party a huge success!




LA Extra-Curricular Activities

Sign up for the extra-curricular activities that the Language Ambassadors will be offering will come out next week (December 21).

Winter Chess Club

Winter chess club will begin January 18th and go until spring break. Here is the link to sign your student up:

