We’re looking for ISLA community photos to use in the yearbook! Use the links below to share your photos with the yearbook team. If you need to sign up for the first time, our school code is 1016123740893948. Please reach out to hestrada@isla.school with any questions.
Buscamos fotos de la comunidad de ISLA para usar en el anuario. Usa los vínculos abajo para compartir tus fotos con el equipo del anuario. Si necesitan registrarse por primera vez, el código escolar es 1016123740893948. Por cualquier pregunta, se pueden conectar con hestrada@isla.school.
Art & Exploration | Arte y exploración
There are LOTS of fun events coming up in the next month… For an overview, you can visit: https://pto.isla.school/march25
You can also utilize the PTO Board’s new link tree for tracking the many links
Here’s a quick overview of things:
TODAY… Thursday 3/6
Dave & Buster’s Family Fun Night: Head to Southdale Dave & Buster’s tonight after conferences for food, fun & games with other ISLA Families!! Power Cards purchased will be delivered this evening– Check in with Therese Sparkins
Readers Unite: DQ Bookmarks came home in red folders last week for our kids to read SIX books in March to earn a free blizzard.
3.4.2025 (English) Lost and Found Update
3.4.2025 (español) Actualización de objetos perdidos
— 9 DAYS TO GO —
Things are starting to come together, but the Fiesta Committee could use some additional support as we prepare to celebrate this amazing ISLA Community while supporting our Language Ambassador Program!!
Individual links can be found below each section, but you can always utilize https://pto.isla.school/fundraising/fiesta as your one-stop Fiesta spot!!
Fiesta de la Primavera 2025!
Saturday March 15th @6pm
Bloomington Event Center
(Adults only– So book your babysitter!!)
Get Your Tickets- 67% SOLD OUT
Just 80 tickets left (67% sold out) with 9 days to go… Last year we sold out about 4 days ahead of Fiesta, if I recall… So don’t miss out on your chance to get your ticket! Price includes appetizers, dinner, 1 drink ticket, dessert, music & dancing through an evening of fun, entertainment and FUNdraising for our school!
New this year: TABLES!!! Grab your friends & family to share all the Fiesta fun with and snag your own table!!
Donate (accepted until 3/15)
We currently have 177 auction items available!! But we could sneak in yours if you’d still like to support Fiesta!! Consider things your family enjoys doing and see if you could invite a few friends to that activity… Voila, you could have a Community Connection (Great Gathering) already!! Have a family timeshare you could borrow to an ISLA family for 1-3 nights? Season ticket holders? Family memberships to local play places, theaters, gyms?
You are free to choose from a pre-made list of ideas, gift basket ideas or come up with something of your own!! We absolutely would LOVE to see what fun & unique interests and talents our families have here at ISLA!! If you have any questions about donation types at all, please reach out to Jenner or myself at fiesta@isla.school
Share your LA Experiences
The Fiesta Committee is looking to create a short video and we'd love to see as many of our family's highlighted as possible!!! We are aiming to collect a short, 30-second video of your child(ren) talking about what they love about having Language Ambassadors at ISLA. This is such a special program, and this video could be a really fun way to understand the benefits from our kid's experiences– The one we're all aiming to build up for them here at ISLA!!
Upload your video here (Horizontal format preferred): https://bit.ly/Fiesta_Highlight_Uploads
Submit responses via the form: https://bit.ly/Fiesta_Highlight_Form
Questions? Reach out to Caitlin Edstrom: fiesta@isla.school
Day-of Opportunities
We are looking for help setting up, all the way to tearing down.... And everything in-between on the day-of Fiesta. The Sign-up Genius is now available reflecting spots you can plug in & get involved at ISLA and take part in the support of your children’s education & social/emotional development!
Wine Bottle Donations
We are putting together a fun game to run at Fiesta and could use another 5-10 bottles of wine (valued at $15+) to round out our current collection we’ll be bringing to Fiesta on 3/15!!
Please email Fiesta@isla.school to arrange drop-off.
Bid // Shop
Auction Site here
QUICK TIPS: After creating your account on Givesmart, you can favorite auction items to have updates emailed or texted! Items are also sorted into categories by item#:
0-99: School Sponsored Items (including art projects)
100: Restaurant Row: Gift Cards
2-300: Items & Experiences
400: Gift Baskets
500: Community Connections
600: Live Auction Items
Auction Closes 3/15 9:15pm
Community Connections will remain open for purchase until tickets sell out or the event is held– All other auction items will close after the Live Program wraps at Fiesta. More auction info available here.
Each student has 5 tickets to sell to family & friends – the tickets are $10/each. The drawing will take place at the Fiesta event (3/15/25), you do not need to be present to win! More tickets are available if you want to sell more than 5, any unsold tickets should be given back to the teacher by 3/3/25. All filled out tear offs of purchased tickets and payment should be returned to your child’s teacher ASAP! Cash or check preferred– Venmo available: @ISLA-PTO (shows as Michael Schulte, our PTO Board Treasurer)
PRIZE: 1st place $500 CASH
2nd place $250 CASH
3rd place $250 CASH
The students that sell the winning tickets will receive $50 Barnes & Noble GC!
We have SO many talented, motivated and business-minded humans here at ISLA and we would love to feature you company to our families, staff and friends through our Fiesta Sponsorships. Available in multiple different levels, you have options to fit your budget, promote your business... All while loving on our school!!
Sponsorship Information: https://e.givesmart.com/events/sgA/page/sponsor/
Please always feel free to reach out directly to Jenner Moretto or myself (Caitlin Edstrom) via social media or any of the following– We are happy to chat!!
Email (Both): fiesta@isla.school
Phone (Jenner): 612.501.2559
Phone (Caitlin): 651.263.4079
THANK YOU for your support!!
– ISLA PTO Board & Fiesta Committee
Details/RSVP: https://forms.gle/PC7aYjKnCAkNxvAm6
Huge shoutout to our Fiesta MC and all-things-Twins extraordinaire, Bob Sparkins for coordinating our second trip to see the Twins!! Don’t miss this opportunity for a really special experience for our kids, families, staff & friends!
There are so many wonderful humans in the ISLA Community & we would really LOVE to give special shout-outs to those that deserve it!! Please check out this new page on the PTO Website to see these shoutouts!! If you’d like to share a positive experience you’ve had with a teacher, staff member, LA, parent, grandparent or even a student– Please complete this form (available in English & Spanish)!